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At the code we focus on prime movement patterns that transfer over to everyday activities, making day to day living easier and pain free.
We focus on strength training as our prime focus of programing as it is most beneficial to everybody regardless of life goal. A strong physical foundation assists in many health benefits including;
There are many benefits to building a strong foundation for health reasons but it also sculpts an optimum aesthetic physique, it is always progressive so you are able to hit goals and feel a sense of success along your journey, it is never boring or repetitive, it is hard work with a sense of satisfaction upon completion, great for mental health and relieving stress.
Online Training
Want to train with us but can’t make it to the gym? Not to worry, we are online! Enjoy all the benefits that The Code has to offer without leaving your area. What you receive by signing up with us online:
We would love you to join us as we strive to make the world a healthier happier place. So if you live too far away or don’t have time to come to us, let us come to you!
One on One training
This option is for those who would like a little more attention, have sport specific training goals or just enjoys the structure and discipline of one on one training. It is also a great option if you want to take the time to learn the fundamentals of strength training or are brand new to the gym and just don’t feel comfortable entering into the semi-private group without some personal time first. Whatever the case may be, one on one training may be the answer for you.
Semi-private training
This option is for anyone who wants to incorporate strength training into their lifestyle, it doesn’t matter if you have never stepped foot in a weights room or have been training your whole life- we tailor the program to your individual needs and goal. Our semi-private sessions have a maximum of 6 people per session. This means you get all the benefits of one on one training from our coaches from technique support, queuing, program design and execution and all the support you could need without the 1 on 1 price tag. It also means you will be surrounded by like-minded, friendly, welcoming and supportive members that will be there to encourage you, push you and even make you laugh along the way.
It really is the best option for your training needs, feel instantly welcomed and part of a community with semi-private training
The Code isn’t really a gym. We don’t enjoy the feeling or intimidating environment associated with gyms. We wanted to move away from that and create a judgement free space with a warm, intimate and positive vibe where everyone is comfortable to be themselves. So that is exactly what we did! We have created a community/family of people who are;
Somewhere along the line everyone loses that motivation to wake up early and train or get home from work put your active wear on and get pumped to workout, that’s where we come in to help. We are your accountability, your new gym friends are your inspiration and motivation to keep you going. Even if you find it hard to get into the studio, we want to make sure you enjoy your training experience and leave in a much better headspace, feeling great and having felt like you achieved something. We are here for you!
Weight loss
If you are struggling to lose weight, have hit a weight loss plateau or don’t even know where to begin? We are here to help you with as much or as little guidance as you are ready for. Here at The Code Studio we can assist with setting you specific calorie and macro deficit targets that are scientifically proven to achieve weight loss. We believe in creating a healthy lifestyle that can be maintained for years to come, we are not about restricting whole food groups or following diet fads. We understand the science and biology behind what the body requires in order to be functioning efficiently. We are very much for enjoying life, socialising and still achieving your goals. We can assist you with all levels of your weight loss journey, from;